Sunday, December 16, 2007


We have decided that this is the end of our adoption journey. Our agency finally received word from the MFA that they are not accepting our dossier due to the fact that the documents are more than 6 months old. They told our agency back in October that all we had to do was update our POA, which we did and now they've changed their minds. This is the final straw for us emotionally.

We greatly appreciate all the prayers friends and family have said for us in this journey and we will continue to pray for those who are still in the process.

The Meenach's
Chad, Michelle, & Cody


Matthew Ruley said...

I am so sorry to hear this, and absolutely astounded! Did the dossier not even make it into the MFA? Other agencies are quoting expected times as being up to 15 months wait. What happens then? Do they just have to redo their dossier ever 6 months? My heart breaks for you because you have been through so much already. You are in our prayers.

The Heinrichs said...

I am so sorry to hear this. Everything sounded so promising with this new agency. I think the Kaz gov't needs to get their act together. Because of them we decided to switch we pray that our Guatemala adoption will be able to be completed! Try to enjoy Christmas and please don't give up on adoption...there are so many children that need us even though we have to jump through so many hoops emotionally and financially to give them the chance at life!


Matthew Ruley said...

I sent you an invite to our blog. We just changed agencies ourselves, and are very happy so far. Hope you reconsider, you'd be great parents (as per your tenacity) and Deanna is right - there are lots of children who need good homes and families.

Amy said...

Oh my. I am so very very sorry to hear this. I am heartbroken for you all. I don't know what to say. I truly hope you will take a look at Matthew and Suzanne's Blog. They just switched agencies and already their dossier is off to the MFA. I hope you will reconsider because I really think that your child is in Kaz. For some reason, I don't know what it is, a few on this journey seem to be tested to the limits of Jobe, but I do believe there can be success even with all the roadblocks. Please when you are ready read Matthew and Suzanne's blog. Their story is one where everything that was wrong became right. My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you now. Your friend in Illinois.

Unknown said...

I was so sad to hear that you are planning to end your journey. Only you know how much you can take of course. Still, I hope that you will think some more on this and not let a little more paperwork keep you from adopting. The system in Kaz is really messed up on some things, that is for sure. I think almost everday of the little ones that were in Dmitrii's group and I can not get their images out of my mind. I often wonder if they will ever find mommies and daddy's of their own.


Michelle, you and your family are in our prayers for a sense of peace, healing and direction. I don't understand why this process is so difficult as you have so much love to give and I know there are children out there who would benefit from your family's love and open hearts. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Diana said...

What is it with these adoption agencies! This is nuts.

We just switched agencies for many reasons. My e-mail is on my profile. Ask me for an invite and read all about it. I was pretty long winded.

Anyway we are happy with the new agency so far, But being very cautious.

Sending good thots your way that you can make some sense out of all of this.

Chris and Ann Young said...

Chad, Michelle, & Cody
I can only imagine the grave disappointment you are all experiencing right now. There but for the grace of God go I. I am so sorry you are having to end your journey.Nothing prepares the innocent heart for such the journey you were on with the empty promises of AIP and now the corrective action being a restart. How does one begin to trust again after such a hurt. I pray you find peace and renewed hope.

Jodi said...

I am very, very sorry for your pain and loss. Kazakhstan is a wonderful country with many beautiful children needing families; it's a few stateside agencies who destroy people's dreams.

After time and healing, should you reconsider adopting from Kaz please check out World Partners, Journey Home or Little Miracles.

I wish you the best in whatever your future holds.


Karen said...

My goodness—how my heart aches for you. But I understand when enough is enough. I pray that you can get through this difficult time.


The Cook said...

I am so sorry. We were also victims of AIP but were not as far along. We switched agencies and came home in May. Please do not give up. Maybe take a break but please do not give up.

Kelly and Sne said...

I'm really sorry about yet another disappointment. Though you've come so far already... All the best to both of you.

Kim & Jamie said...

I am so sorry to hear about what happened and I am heartbroken for you. There are no words to I can think of to say, though I can understand the sentiment of enough is enough emotionally.My husband and I switched agencies recently as well and are cautiously optimistic about it.

Like many others have already said, I, too, hope that you will reconsider adoption. Your family sounds wonderful and has a lot of love to give. We will be keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Kim & Jamie