Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adoption Agency Closed

Here is a link to a news report that was aired 9/10/07 about our agency.


I thought some of you would like to view it so you can see first hand how corrupt our agency was. It's a heart breaking story about adoption.

Our adoption agency is finally shut down. They are working out a contract with Heritage Adoption Agency to finalize adoptions for clients that are stuck. That's about all we know for now. Our adoption coordinator, Kevin has told other clients that he's expecting things to be finalized early this week. I have heard some good things about Heritage and they have been in business for more than 16 years, but their Kazakhstan Adoption program is NEW. It is our understanding that AIP clients will be the first to experience their Kaz program. We're not sure what we are going to do at this point. We know if we go with another agency it will be another 6 months before we fly at the earliest. The thought of waiting another 6 months is abolutely killing me, but it may be our only SAFE option. We'll let eveyone know what we decide to do.
